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Szukasz solidnej wiedzy o Scrum? Sprawdź kalendarz naszych szkoleń
20241028 - 20241029


20241029 - 20241030

Agile Estimating and Planning Toolkit

20241104 - 20241106


20241106 - 20241107


Zobacz jak szkolimy!

Prawdziwi uczestnicy o PSM II.

Wiedza bez ściemy

Zapoznaj się z opiniami naszych Klientów. Zobacz, że warto nam zaufać!
Krzysztof J.
PSM 2021.12
"Very well prepared training. Nice atmosphere, group works, a lot of practical exercises. Experienced trainers, who are willing to answer all your questions."
Marta P.G.
PSM2 2021.11
"Great workshop. The trainers are very committed and very well prepared."
Dawid M.
PAL-E 2021.03
"This was the best online training I ever seen. I am impressed by use of online tools as well as abilities of hosts. I learned great deal of things despite the limitations of pandemic."
Dawid R.
PSM2 2021.11
"Extremely useful and engaging class. Trainers planned it with master precision, leaving no questions unanswered. Carefully executed exercises helped me gain valuable insight into Scrum values and pillars as well as shown me techniques and stances for working with my organization and serving them as a Scrum Master."
Maciej S.
PSM2 2021.02
"The trainers make a nice team! The training, despite the fact that it was online, was very dynamic, full of energy and commitment. Trainers not only transfer knowledge, but also create a nice atmosphere in the whole group, giving the impression that after three days it was a pity to part ways."
Krzysztof K.
PSM 2021.01
"Great course! Very useful for me, I have learned a lot and surely will use my new experience in my daily work. Group was awesome and also Andrzej and Adam did a great job."
Maciej D.
PSM 2021.03
"The best training in my personal list!"
Damian M.
PAL-E, 2020.09
"5-star! Fantastic group with amazing trainers. Highly recommend!"
Ania K.
PAL-E, 2020.09
"5-star! Great training, full of case studies and productive discussions. Broad knowledge and experience of Andrzej and Adam who shared their thoughts with group and provoked to think critically and to change the patterns."
PSM2, 2019.12
"A lot of excercises, no slides, only flipcharts, tempo: I was exhausted but happy after those two days full of inspiration and knowledge sharing. It was a pleasure to be there and have the possibility to listen to other Scrum Masters. Excellent trainers, Adam and Andrzej, who both shared their knowledge and experience, and gave us the possibility to share the knowledge among the participants. I highly recommend!"
PSM, 2020.03
"Zdecydowanie zaszczepienie filarów Scrum'a i świadomość jakie korzyści one przynoszą"
Professional Scrum with Kanban, 2020.03
"Full professionalism. Lot of knowledge, lot of experience, lot of humor. It was excelent as usual!"
PSM2, 2020.02
"The trainers led us through the Scrum labyrinths in a pleasant atmosphere. It was interesting, intense, with full commitment on their and our side. I left with my head full of ideas, knowledge about what I can change, thoughts about what does not work and why. I know what I was not aware of, in what topics and areas I should build and deepen the knowledge, what to practice. Thanks guys - once again I was not disappointed taking part in the workshop led by you, which was to shape me as Scrum Master."
Marta Milewska
Product Owner, Link4
"Dzięki, dzięki, dzięki ? Chłopaki, zrobiliśmy to! Warsztaty Story Mapping. Mamy persony, cele, outputy, podróż konsultanta i wielką piękną trzypoziomową mapę. Zobaczyliśmy (!) całość procesu. Dyskutowaliśmy. Wycięliśmy MVP. I jest …. super.! ? (…) nie wyobrażam sobie pracy w inny sposób. ? Wielkie dzięki za inspirację, wiedzę i motywację. Pozdrawiam ciepło, Marta"
Louise Jørgensen
Product Owner, KMD
"Thanks a lot for all these valuable links and resources – this is absolutely great! And thanks again for some truly inspiring days, with lots of ideas for improving on our ways of working. I really enjoyed your way of facilitating the workshop, and am quite impressed by your graphic/visualizations skills. I do look forward to implement the tools in my daily life, and I’m sure it will have impact both on short and longer therm. Maybe we’ll meet again – but for now a BIG thanks"
Przemysław Czapiewski
Product Owner, eCom
"I took and participated in the first edition of the Product Owner Toolkit run by Piotr Włodarczyk and Radek Lont. At the beginning it is worth noting that the material is not directed to people starting to work as a Product Owner. You should not expect basic knowledge of the work of scrum teams. This does not mean, however, that the training is only a manual for using the tools used by the Product Owner. During the introduction of each tool, the emphasis was on the goal in which it is used and how it helps to find value. It made me re-evaluate the approach to my work.(…) I have gained a lot more from this training than I could have expected. For me it was a very valuable training. I would recommend!"
PSF, 2019.03
"Excellent training that opens the eyes to pragmatism and rationalism. Mandatory for each member of the scrum team. Contains only particulars, practical exercises and examples. What was the least interesting? Breaks! :) Thanks alot."
Marek Stachowski
POT, 2020.05
"Dopadł mnie efekt „WOW!” W co najmniej 100%. Piotr Włodarczyk i Radosław Lont fenomenalnie zorganizowali warsztat w przestrzeni online."


Pomagamy zmienić się organizacjom, które chcą widzieć rezultaty. Rozprawiamy się z wiecznym „nie wiemy co, nie wiemy na kiedy, nie wiemy za ile, ale pracujemy nad tym”.

Nie wierzymy w transformacje z pudełka, które próbują dopasować wszystkie organizacje do jednego wzorca. Zamiast tego, dostarczamy organizacjom niezbędnych umiejętności, do tego by potrafiły samodzielnie się adaptować do zmieniających się warunków biznesowych. To jest nasza definicja zwinności.

Dajemy wiedzę, doświadczenie i bezpośrednie wsparcie na wszystkich poziomach organizacji (c-level, management, zespoły wytwórcze i utrzymania).

Szkolimy, doradzamy, zmieniamy, reagujemy. Po to, żebyś szybciej uzyskał zwrot ze swojej inwestycji w zwinność.

Agile Rebels

Każdy inny, ale cel wspólny - Agile na serio.
Andrzej Zińczuk
Deweloper, menedżer, Scrum Master. Skupiony pragmatyk i profesjonalista.
Michał Michałowski
Z natury inżynier i partyzant. Odporny na szamański coaching.
Piotr Włodarczyk
Deweloper, PM i Scrum Mastera. Robi drewniane zabawki dla dzieci.
Adam Michalczyk
Mówi jaki jest. Prowokuje do myślenia i budzi emocje.
Krzysiek Kosacki
Pragmatyk, obserwator. Używa Windowsa. Ale odważny i wytrwały.